How to pay for things when you are overseas The problem with getting a wad of foreign cash beforehand is twofold: you won't get the best rate of exchange and you'll be stuck on your trip carrying a load of cash, which is risky. If you plan to pay for things in cash, the better route is to get travellers cheques from a bank and convert them to cash as you need them. This way, if you lose them or if they're stolen, you can get them replaced and continue your travels. Plus if they end up in anyone else's hands, it will be tough for them to cash them because they require matching signatures and photo identification. The other option is using a credit card, which is discussed in more detail below. How to get the best exchange rates Avoid this by getting your currency from a bureau de change at a local bank before you go, which will get you into town where you can find a bank that will give you a better rate. Banks will exchange travellers cheques into the local currency, often without charging a fee. You'll generally get better rates at banks than at currency exchange booths on the street, and you can do a quick comparison before you change your travellers cheques. Another way to get good exchange rates is to use your credit card. If you have a card and plan to pay the balance responsibly, use it when you travel overseas to get you a better exchange rate that you'll get almost anywhere. Credit card companies can get better rates than you can, so if you charge your hotel and restaurant bills instead of converting travellers cheques and paying cash, it will end up costing you less. Do not, however, use your credit card to get cash from ATM machines. When you take out a cash advance, you'll still get a better rate than you would from most exchange bureaus, but you'll have to pay your credit card a cash advance fee, plus interest from the day you take out the money. Translation: if you take out 17 cash advances over the course of a two-week trip, you'll have to pay 17 separate cash advance fees. And if you take out more than you actually need, you'll end up paying interest on it, even if you convert it back to pounds at the end of your trip. If you absolutely have to get cash from an ATM, err on the side of caution and take too little rather than too much. The cash advance fees - usually a couple of pounds - are generally lower than the interest on the daily balance you've withdrawn. Great discounts Professional affiliations can also help you get discounts. Museums and other tourist attractions often have special categories of visitors who can receive discounted rates. If you're a journalist, for example, you may be able to get free admission to certain tourist attractions if you show proof, so make sure to bring evidence of any professional memberships you have, just in case. Another big money saver is your local rental car agency. If you plan to rent a car overseas, book it ahead of time. You'll get a MUCH better rate. It can mean the difference between #200 a week if you rent here and #100 a day if you go to a rental car agency in a foreign town - plus you have the benefit of reading all the terms of conditions in a language you can understand. Lastly, consider staying in hotels, hostels or B&Bs that offer breakfast. Often the room prices aren't much (if at all) higher than places that don't serve breakfast. Even if it's simple fare, it can save you a bundle if you don't have to go out for a sit-down meal each morning. |
INSURANCE TIPS FOR TRAVELLERS There are many things to consider when travelling, including passport, tickets, exchange rates, accommodation and what to pack. While travel can be an exciting prospect, there can be situations where things may go wrong and travellers find themselves needing urgent medical assistance, help with replacing lost luggage and/or assistance with making an urgent trip home. This is where Travel Insurance can help – along with providing peace of mind for travellers who may find themselves in any of these situations. Travellers should thoroughly read the policy before they purchase travel insurance to ensure it meets all their needs and provides the appropriate level of cover. To help you decide on what type of travel insurance you need, contact your Insurance provider. Advises that travellers consider the following prior to taking out a travel insurance policy: General information When choosing a cover for travel, make sure the policy will be recognised around the world. In some countries, if they don’t recognise the insurance underwriter, they may not admit you to a hospital. If you are travelling, make sure that you are aware of who your emergency assistance provider is and how you can contact them. In the event of a travel emergency, you will need to contact them to faciliate the provision of emergency medical treatment and/or other required services. Details of the provider and contact numbers are shown on the assistance card provided with or within your policy document. Exclusions Pre-existing Conditions Medical Most quality policies include full medical evacuation. However, don’t assume anything until you have checked with your insurer or agent. Don’t book a first class seat so you can stretch out your broken leg before checking with your assistance provider. Safety |
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