Sasko Lake – is situated in the vicinity of Ulcinj. To Sasko Lake the easiest way to come is by using the taxi transport or your own car. That lake is unique by its beauty; it's transparent and calm, but also very rich with fish. The surface of Sasko Lake is 364 ha. The surrounding ambience has diverse flora and fauna. Beside the reed, and the willow trees the lake is a unique residence of diverse birds. On the very island and in the surroundings there are 240 various kinds of birds, while in Europe according to some records there about 400 kinds. The permanent residents of Sasko Lake are storks, herons, guises, wild guises, cormorants… Driving in the plastic or wooden barge a lot like canoe, you can observe the beauties of Sasko Lake and its surroundings. If you take binoculars, video or photo camera with you those colorful details you can record on a tape.

In the colorful surrounding of Ulcinj in the winter period woodcocks are hunted. Most often those birds are the reason for the arrival of the great number of hunters from Italy to Sasko Lake. Especially well know domicile and residence of the migratory birds are water surfaces so called Sonanski bazen and the thick shrubbery around them. Numerous migratory birds linger on Sasko Lake, in order to rest on their long journey to the Southern areas. Their coming there lurks ornithologists from all parts of the Europe which stare at them to take a photograph, shoot them with their cameras, admire their beauty, put rings on them and hope that the next year they'll meet them again in Ulcinj. So, on Sasko Lake another among tourists and devotees of nature favorite kind of fun, which is bird watching, is in its prime. On Sasko Lake there are the remains of the town Svac, today a “dead city” which in the ancient past was conquered by the Mongolians. Svac was known by the 365 churches, the same as there are days in a year.

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro

Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro  Picture Gallery of Sas Ruins Near Sasko Lake Montenegro
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